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From The Beginning

The Children in Care Collective was established initially to focus on residential out-of-home care in New South Wales. Given that most children in residential care are those with complex needs, this became the overall focus of the Collective. It was also decided that the Collective should aim for a national presence, and this is being achieved by member agencies having a presence in all States and Territories.

 Agencies rather than individuals are members of the Collective. Care has been taken to ensure a diversity of organisations is represented: faith based and secular; large and small; monoculture and diverse. There were initially eight member agencies and the majority have stayed involved. New member agencies have enriched the skills and experience of the Collective and there are currently 12 out-of-home care service agencies and three academic centres.

Meet The Team


Until 2022, the Collective produced a regular Bulletin that was a summary of the Collective’s activities. The Bulletins provide a historical record of the Collective’s work and achievements while more current information about its activities is provided in News.

Bulletin 4
December 2018

Bulletin 3
September 2018

Children in Care Collective

© 2024 by Children in Care Collective

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